Expand the Shaper Origin Base

By javierbargas
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Dec 14 2023

This file allows you to cut the two screw holes and the router bit hole of the Shaper Origin. That way you can create a plate to mount on your Shaper, to expand the base size and cut much larger pocket cuts than usual. Update (14.12.23): Update the SVG to remove distortion problems

10 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (1)

  • expanded-shaper-base.svg

    2 kB


Acrylic or MDF board of the size you want the base to be


Shaper Origin

2 M5 screws (~20mm length)

1/8" router bit


Additional video: https://youtu.be/aDIdFKJMGwg Take a board of the size you want the base to be extended to. An example could be 60cm length and 30cm width. Place the SVG file more or less in the middle. Cut out the hole for the screw. That's the inner circle of the two small circles. This hole needs to be cut through the entire board, because it will hold the screw. Now cut the larger ring of the small circles. The depth should be 1mm deeper than your screw head depth. Now cut the large hole. This again needs to be fully cut though the entire board.

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