Tired of switching to the Zoom application before you can switch Camera / Microfon or Screenshare on or off. This little board does it for you, also if zoom is running in the background! It's connected via Bluetooth, powered by a battery, and is rechargeable. As it is set up as an HID Keyboard, you can reprogram it to any key combinations you need.
- ESP32 Dev Module (AZDelivery ESP32 NodeMCU Module used here)
- SK6812 RGBW Stripe
- 4 pushbuttons 8mm screw
- 18650 LiIon cell
- LiIon charge / discharge module
- switch
- tons of wire
- wood, thicker than 20mm
- Origin
- soldering iron
- USB-Cable
For Zoom: Go to settings and activate global key combinations for Audio, Video, Screenshare and raising a hand. If you want to simplify the process of turning the wood around to process it from the other side, just cut through it at two corners (best with 1mm offset for a perfect finish), to reference it from the other side with a grid. Code is available on Github: https://github.com/EmanuelFAU/ZoomBoard For soldering: - Audio button goes to G13 - Video button goes to G14 - Screenshare button goes to G27 - Hand button goes to G26 - SK6812 D_in goes to G25
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