A quick small footprint fixture to support Origin for cabinet hinge installation. But will prove helpful for any operation near a 90 degree joint. mounting techniques are flexible, the aluminium tabs can be replaced with hdpe or delrin to protect the surface they are being rested on.
Jigs & Fixtures
3/4" ply ( this one will fit 0.74" ply perfectly )
1/16" or 1/8" aluminium for the support tabs
1/4" stock cutter
1/8" o flute up cutter if aluminium or plastic is used for the support tabs.
Cutting is straight forward all rabbets are 1/4" deep use the 1/8" o flute cutter for the aluminium, use a spindle cutter speed of 2, and perform each pass in auto mode with the speed setting to set to the slowest ( plunge 2.5, auto 5 ) when assembling pay special attention to the corners to make sure they are mounted at 90 degrees. tell us what you think on the forum: https://community.shapertools.com/t/cabinet-hardware-install-fixture/2118
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