Flush Ring Pull 1.5in

By Shaper
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Created Fri Sep 14 2018

These are super quick and super easy to install. Im sure the hardware is available in a range of locations. but here is a quick amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0046FMRH4

10 min


Hardware Inserts

Files Included (1)

  • Flush_Ring_Pull_1.5_v009.svg

    11 kB


greater than 1/2" thick panel

brass finger pull: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0046FMRH4



Small Phillips screwdriver


Obviously test cut this into a scrap piece of wood before launching into the finished door panel. 1: Take the stock 1/4" cutter, cut the two main profiles to the assigned depth. 2: Optionally change to a small 1/16" cutter and pilot drill the three screw holes to 1/4" deep

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