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Cleat of the Week 6: Chisel Rack

By Shaper|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created May 16th, 2018

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A chisel rack for use with a french cleat system.

30 min



Files included (1)
Chisel rack v2.svg
4 kB

1/2" plywood measuring at least 2' x 2' Clamps Wood glue Double-Sided Tape
Origin 1/4" cutter Tapered Up-Cut cutter
photo of step 1

Set Up Your Workspace

Lay out a piece of 1/2" thick plywood measuring at least 2' square. Use double-sided tape to adhere it to a spoilboard beneath. Make sure to use adequate double-sided tape so that pieces will not 'jump' free when you complete your finishing pass.
photo of step 2

Place Your File

Place ShaperTape on your workpiece and then create a scan. Once you are satisfied with your scan, place the design file. Then go over all the cut lines with Origin, keeping an eye on your tape meter. You want to be sure that Origin can read sufficient tape throughout the entire cut.
photo of step 3

Cut Out Pockets

With your 1/4" cutter, cut the four pocketed areas. For optimal cut quality, use two passes: -1st pass: Pocket Cut, .25" depth, .01" offset -2nd pass: Inside Cut, .25" depth, 0 offset
photo of step 4

Make All Outside Cuts

Cut out all elements that are encoded as Outside Cuts. For optimal cut quality, use three passes, each with a 1/4" cutter: -1st pass: .25" cut depth, .01" offset -2nd pass: .48" cut depth, .01" offset -Finishing pass: .51" cut depth, 0 offset
photo of step 5

Cut Out Radiuses for Chisel Necks [Optional]

To get a snugger fit for your chisels in the rack, you can use a tapered bit to match the gradient of your chisel's neck as it rests in the rack. We used a 6.2 degree tapered bit. After you change your cutter, you can leave the cutter diameter inputted as 1/4" on Origin. Cut each radius circle in two passes: -1st pass: .25" depth, 0 offset -2nd pass: .48" depth, 0 offset
photo of step 6

Sand and Dry-Fit

Remove each piece from the double-sided tape and sand the edges to remove any fuzz. Dry-fit the components together to ensure a snug fit.
photo of step 7

Glue and Clamp

When glue has dried, mount the rack among your shop's growing collection of cleat racks.