Sanding Rig Created by Shaper — A handy sanding tool for knocking fuzz off the edges of projects. 1" x 30" belts can be mounted and the tension adjusted by squeezing at the handle.
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Sanding Rig

By Shaper|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created May 2nd, 2018

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A handy sanding tool for knocking fuzz off the edges of projects. 1" x 30" belts can be mounted and the tension adjusted by squeezing at the handle.

5 min



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12 kB

1/2" ply, 1/4" dowel
Origin, 1/4" cutter, small saw
photo of step 1

Cut left and right parts

Use the stock 1/4" cutter. Cut the small registration peg holes 0.35" deep. Helix cut the larger hanger hole all the way through. Cut the perimeter.
photo of step 2

Cut 1/4 dowels down to around 0.5"

To make assembly easier, you can chamfer the edges.
photo of step 3

Install pegs

[Optional] Even If you don't have 1/4" dowel available, you can still complete the project with careful gluing
photo of step 4

Glue and clamp

The pegs ought to make alignment a breeze. If you left the pegs out, pay attention to ensure that nothing drifts during clamping.
photo of step 5

Sand clean and then fit belt

If the belt is too tight, just sand the "nose" until it fits. If you are making several rigs, consider adding a small offset so that they all fit to your liking. A negative offset on the finishing pass will make them fit looser A positive offset will make them fit tighter Enjoy