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Jigsaw Miter Picture Frame

By Stilwell|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated December 16th, 2021

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A width specific picture frame design for a fun and fast gift!

30 min



Files included (2)
Picture Frame Jigsaw Part 1_Size_Specific.svg
1 kB
Picture Frame Jigsaw Part 2_Size_Specific.svg
1 kB

-1 3/8" wide framing material -wood glue -sandpaper -double sided tape
-Origin -Workstation
Specifically designed for material 1 3/8" wide and cut with a 1/4" bit. Cut material to length and secure to the Shelf on Workstation. Create a grid using the long edge closest to Workstation and the Left/Right edges. Place file using the the custom anchor point. Create new grid for the opposing side and flip the file before placing. Cut Part 1.svg to a 0" offset. The depth of the pocket is 1/2 of the overall thickness. Adjust the offset for Part 2.svg for best fit (-0.003"). Test fit along the way.