Reversible Workstation Spoilboard

By Prof_Snipe
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Jul 12 2020

Use both sides of your workstation spoilboard using this **blink** one neat trick. **blink**

10 min


Shaper Workstation

Files Included (1)

  • Reversible Workstation Shelf.svg

    24 kB


MDF cut to 15"x7"

Tape to secure the workpiece during cutting


Shaper Origin

1/4" upcut bit

Indexing pin (delrin or in a pinch the 1/4" engraving bit)


The ability to use the backside of the spoilboard relies on the four screw attachment holes being offset from each other. In order to properly index the backside cut, you will need at least one of the patterns already cut. Starting from scratch: 1. Secure the spoilboard workpiece and create a grid with 1/4" spacing and align the cross mark of the svg file on the grid (0,0). 2. Helix out all the holes. 3. Remove the existing spoilboard and attach the spoilboard you just cut to the workstation shelf. 4. Continue below using a second board. You have at least one of the spoilboards already cut: 1. Attach the spoilboard workpiece to the existing spoilboard using an indexing pin to align the left side of the mdf board and to the edge of workstation. Remove the indexing pin prior to cutting if it juts up from the board. 2. Create a grid with 1/4" spacing and align the cross mark of the svg file on the grid origin. 3. Helix out all the holes. 4. Remove the workpiece and flip it end to end. The attachment holes should be closest to you. 5. Align and secure the workpiece using the indexing pin and the edge of workstation. 6. Helix out all the holes. 7. Done. You can create several in one session once the grid is created by aligning a new workpiece, cutting the first side, flip/align/cut. Flip and use the other side of your new spoilboard once the first side gets beaten up. It might be a good idea to create another one before you toss the last one so you won't need to go through the first procedure again (or save the piece from the first procedure).

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