One way "how-to" for doing Maloof style joints using Shaper Origin. Diffuculty: "Easy to mess up"
Maloof joint.afdesign
Maloof joint.svg
Maloof Style Joints using Shaper Origin.pdf
Wood for the top usually 1" thick or greater
Wood for the legs
Tape for securing the stock
Shaper origin
1/4" upcut bit
Aligning bit or engraving bit
Shaper workstation (optional)
Chisel (if you don't get the offsets right)
This is more of a how-to rather than actual cutting templates. The SVG file included is only a sample, you will need to adjust the actual measurements to your stock. The general outline is below, see the pdf file for a more detailed description. 1. Cut the seat top (or bottom) pocket. Test fit the leg and adjust the cut offset for a snug fit. 2. Flip the seat stock vertically and create a grid using the pocket from step 1 as probe 3 (y-probe). Pocket. 3. Cut the back pocket indexing grid (0,0) to the pocket from step #2. 4 and 5. Cut the leg side pockets. 6. Cut the leg front pocket. Attachments: - PDF file with more detailed instructions - Affinity designer file for the sample - Exported svg file
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