Maloof Style Joints

By Prof_Snipe
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Jun 29 2020

One way "how-to" for doing Maloof style joints using Shaper Origin. Diffuculty: "Easy to mess up"

1 hr 30 min



Files Included (3)

  • Maloof joint.afdesign

    46 kB
  • Maloof joint.svg

    159 kB
  • Maloof Style Joints using Shaper Origin.pdf

    807 kB


Wood for the top usually 1" thick or greater

Wood for the legs

Tape for securing the stock


Shaper origin

1/4" upcut bit

Aligning bit or engraving bit

Shaper workstation (optional)

Chisel (if you don't get the offsets right)


This is more of a how-to rather than actual cutting templates. The SVG file included is only a sample, you will need to adjust the actual measurements to your stock. The general outline is below, see the pdf file for a more detailed description. 1. Cut the seat top (or bottom) pocket. Test fit the leg and adjust the cut offset for a snug fit. 2. Flip the seat stock vertically and create a grid using the pocket from step 1 as probe 3 (y-probe). Pocket. 3. Cut the back pocket indexing grid (0,0) to the pocket from step #2. 4 and 5. Cut the leg side pockets. 6. Cut the leg front pocket. Attachments: - PDF file with more detailed instructions - Affinity designer file for the sample - Exported svg file

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