Two different desk headphone stand designs. The first is just a plain headphone stand, the second is for a combined headphone stand and blue yeti nano parking spot.
Headphone Stand (Domino).svg
Headphone Stand (Dowel).svg
Headphone Stand for blue yeti nano.svg
Wood of your choice, approximately 16x12 or larger.
1/4" dowels or #6 dominos.
Shaper origin.
1/4" upcut bit.
1/8" upcut bit if using the domino version.
1/4" drill bit (if using dowels) or domino machine to mill the stand mating holes.
1. Choose either the plain stand or the stand that includes a dock for the blue yeti nano USB microphone. 2. If doing the plain stand, choose either the domino or dowel based design. 3. Alternatively, you can modify the design and cut mortise and tenons to join the arm to the base. 4. Cut with SO. 5. Cut the mating holes on the arm, the dowel holes are 1/2" apart edge-to-edge (should be 3/4" apart center-to-center but verify just in case). 6. Sand, glue-up apply finish.
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