Workstation Angle Fence Wrench

By David32
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Nov 03 2020

My old hands were not up to tightening the nut on the Workstation angle fence. The angle fence kept slipping. I made this quick and dirty wrench to assist in tightening the nut so that the angle fence doesn't slip. It works quite well.

10 min


Shaper Workstation

Files Included (1)

  • Workstation Wrench.svg

    2 kB


1/4" Baltic birch plywood scrap


1/16" (1.5 mm) end mill w/ 1/8" shank (see photo) in Shaper 1/8" collet.

This bit appears to have changed since I ordered it. It is now 2 mm diameter instead of 1.5 mm. The 2mm would probably work just as well.


I used a 1/16" end mill to cut the hole. You might be able to do it with a 1/8" bit, but the projections to match the grooves in the knob are pretty small. When I used the included file to cut the wrench, the knob fit too tight for my liking. I cut the hole larger with a -0.005 offset, and it fit much better. Cut the hole with the included file and see how your knob fits.

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