Glue Station

By Chris14
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Jan 02 2020

I had some time off for the holidays and decided to build a french cleat wall in my shop. You'll see in one of the photos below the entire wall. This project is for a glue station to keep things tidy and handy. I've been using up as much of the waste board as possible. This was built from 1/2" Baltic Birch and 3/8" Oak dowel rods.

30 min



Files Included (2)

  • Glue Station Left Side.svg

    2 kB
  • Glue Station Right Side.svg

    2 kB


22 x 26" 1/2" Baltic Birch

16" 3/8 wooden dowel



Titebond III


Finish Stapler


I've included the files for the sides only, the shelves were cut with with a track saw and mitre saw. The overall dimension are roughly 23.5"H x 9"W x 5.25D. The top shelf is 8"W x 4"D, the other two are 8"W x 5.25"D. If you have worked with the Shaper before everything is pretty standard. Although, one thing I learned on this project was to do the first pass on the exterior cut prior to pocket cutting the rabbets and dadoes. This keeps the Shaper from jumping when it reaches the empty space of the pocketed areas. The helix feature is great for making the decorative holes in the sides and speeds up the process considerably. I happened to have 3/8" dowels that were a bit fat, so I had to increase the size of that hole just a bit to accommodate. Once everything was cut out, I ran the front edges on the router bed with an 1/8" round over bit, sanded, glued, and finish stapled to hold it together while it dried. Finally, I filled the staple holes with wood putty and gave everything a quick sanding. What you see in the last photo was built in about three days and included the Shaper on about 70 percent of the pieces. I love the ability to quickly design, send files and start cutting in a matter of an hour or less. The four drill holder was another piece that came together in about an hour and a half start to finish, and houses all of my bits and chargers in one convenient spot.

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