Cheese Tray

By ScottH
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Created Wed Jan 02 2019

This was a quick Christmas present that I did with the Shaper. It includes pockets, outside cuts, inside cuts and inside pocket cut Cove-box finish cuts. Maple was the choice of wood.

30 min



Files Included (1)

  • cheese tray 12.16.2018.svg

    53 kB


3/4" maple finished sanded before shaping, 1/4" bit for pockets and outside profile, engraving bit for beveled outside edge and circle and 1/2" cove-box bit for inside the pocket finished edges. Watco cutting board oil


1/4" bit

engraving bit

1/2" cove-box

16" X 10" X 3/4" maple work piece

Sandpaper ( up to 320 grit)

Shaper Origin setup table.

double stick tape

cutting board finishing oil. Watco


Pre-sand the maple stock before starting. Cut the outside cut to .02 offset to within .02 of the finished dept in multiple passes. Move on to the pocket of the tray part with a 1/4" bit. Cut to the last .01 of the 1/4" final depth. in multiple passes. Make sure you get to the inside margins of the pocket cut with the 1/4" bit. Use the 1/2" cove-box bit with a starting 1/4" inside offset for the pocket finishing cut and proceed to a .01 inside offset and .24 depth. Do a rough sand of the pocket and cove-box shapes to figure out any further cutting required. Cut the finish pass of the pocket with the 1/4" bit and at least two passes to the .25 depth. Cut the finish inside pass of the pocket with the 1/2" cove-box bit and at least two passes to the .25 depth and a final .002 pass to the line. Use the engraving bit to make an on the line circle to .0625 depth in 3 passes. Make an outside cut to the entire board with the engraving bit on the lied to .0625. Make another cut to the same depth in several passed at a -.25"offset to make the bead. Make a final exterior cut to the entire board with the 1/4" bit from were you left the rough cut (.02") to the line in 2 passes the last one being .002-0. These fine final cuts help with burning of the maple. Make sure you adjust the bit speed and plunge rate for the bit sizes. Sand and finish with cutting board finish. This entire project took me about 2 hours start to finish (Not including dry time for the 3 coats of finish) Have fun. Size it to your stock or liking.

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