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Pegs and Jokers V1

By AlFoote|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated October 20th, 2020

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This family game is a more grown-up version of the children's game of "Sorry" for 4 or 6 players from age ten. P&J differences have players holding a hand of 5 cards from which to choose their next move. Also, players opposite each other play as a team. These rules introduce a level of game strategy not found in Sorry. (A PDF of game rules can be downloaded here. And the Notes file includes manufacturing instructions as well as the Amazon source for buying the pegs and storage pouches.)

2 hr



Files included (4)
Notes for making the game Pegs & Jokers.pdf
96 kB
Pegs&Jokers 2-pieces V2.svg
35 kB

One piece of wood 5" by 14" will yield 2 game sections.
Shaper-Origin to profile and drill the section, and a router Table to round-off the profile edge.
See the "Notes" PDF files in the list.