This is a variation on the game Quoridor, or Blockade, with a Quatro Board on the Reverse side.
■ Dimensions are 220mm x 280mm.
This is meant as a scrap project, so you can make it out of any material thickness you want. I am using 6mm baltic bitch plywood as a prototype.
■ Brass rod, 1/4" cut to 33mm lengths (20 total pieces)
Shaper origin
1/4" round nose cutter
1/4" spiral cutter
Quatro: Bonus game. Just pocket or engrave the circles on the backside of the board. Quoridor: To simplify the design for the Shaper Origin I used a round cutter and brass rods for the walls. All the inner grid lines and diagonal piece holders are cut to a depth of .05in using the round cutter. Note: I ended up not cutting the outer perimeter of the grid, and the perimeter does not get walls played on it. I left it in the svg if anyone preferred to have it. --- Goal: Advance your piece to the opposing players side. Player Turn: On your turn either move your piece 1 space (horizontally or vertically), or place a wall on the board. Rules: 1. You may not prevent the player from being able to reach the other side. 2. If player moves on a space that is occupied the player can jump to the next free space.
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