A toy F1 Car with 90MM inline skate wheels and bearings. These go pretty fast. Might as well make two so they can race. :-) Variation: It's easier to find 76mm-82mm wheels, with 1/4" axels. So I added SVGs to make an "80mm" variation. I haven't cut the 80mm version myself yet. So if there are any issue, please let me know. Thanks!
1/4" Board (or thicker for stronger nose & tail)
7/8" Board (Thinner / thicker to adjust car's width.)
4x 1/4" Dowel ( Length = 4x Board Thickness")
2x 8mm (or 1/4") Threaded Rod.
- For 90mm Variation: Axles are 8" long.
- For 80mm Variation: Axles are 7.125" long.
4x Inline Skate Wheels
- 90mm fit the first set of SVGs.
- 76mm-82mm wheels fit the "80mm" SVGs.
8x Bearings (608zz)
4x Spacers for Inline Skate 8mm (or 1/4") Axles
12x 8mm (or 1/4") Nylon Locking Nuts
4x 8mm (or 1/4") Washers
4x 2.5" Screws (near front axle, and shark fin)
2x 1.5" Screws (near back axle)
4x 1" Screws (for nose and tail wings)
Shaper Origin
1/4" Compression Bit for wood (will prevent chip-out)
1/8" Bit (for smaller holes)
Wood Glue
13mm Ratcheting crescent wrench, or 13mm Pass-through socket wrench, or 13mm pass-through socket wrench with deep extender you can put into a drill. All these make it faster to get the nuts up against the body of the car.
Another 13mm Crescent wrench
Hammer to press bearings into wheels
Three ways to make these. A) Origin-Cut All Pieces B) Origin-Cut Templates, then Use Router C) Bandsaw Project Here's a video of B) Origin-Cut Templates, then Router-Cut Pieces. https://youtu.be/NkWnbSVuxsw Things to consider: * Because dowels come in different sizes, test-fit the dowels into the 0.27" holes before cutting the wood pieces free. If needed, use Origin's Offset feature to enlarge the holes so the dowels slide in easily. Aim for a loose fit. If the dowels fit tight later, you can always chuck-them into your drill, and spin them agains sandpaper to skinny-ify them. * Keep the nuts a little loose around the bearings (for speed). * For approach A) Origin-Cut All Pieces: consider cutting the middle as two halves. Then join them with glue. Variation With 80mm Wheels * Redesigned for 76mm - 82mm wheels (which are easier to find) * Redesigned to use 3/4" ply (0.703") * Axles ... Holes are for 1/4" axles. Use Origin's offset feature to under-size the axle holes, and test fit until the axles fit perfectly. This lets you pick either 8mm or 1/4". :-) * Axles ... 7.125" long (Not 8") * Any issues? DM me please, and I'll correct them. Thanks! Variation with 63mm Wheels * Remember to test-fit axles and dowels before cutting pieces free w Origin. * 8mm axles. * 1/4 " dowels * At this scale, 0.703" ply still works for most parts, except the center body. * Consider making the center body about 1" thick, possibly by cutting two center body shapes, and using Origin to remove material from one/both, so when you glue them together, it's only 1" thick. * I haven't cut this one yet, any issues, please DM me and I'll correct them. Thanks!
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