Turn this trim router into a lipping planer. Useful for flush trimming inlays or edge banding.
Jigs & Fixtures
3/4" MDF
6mm Domino
Cut the pocket for the router base to a depth of 6mm. There's a lot of real estate to cover, so a large diameter bit would be helpful (I used a 20mm diameter bit with 8mm shank); after finishing the pocket, finish up with the standard 1/4 & 1/8 cutters. Once the pocket and holes are cut, use a dado stack to cut away 6mm from the bottom of the jig. Leave two "feet" to provide support. The slot on top accommodates a 6mm Festool domino; use this to attach the handle of your choice. The screws included with the plunge base are long enough to work with this jig. When put to use, a bowl cutting bit works well as it's geometry makes it suitable for lipping. I've included the Sketchup file I worked from if you need to make any variations. The bit I used for pocketing: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32853741415.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dMyJIdz
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