Arts & Crafts book rack.
Arts-Crafts Book Rack Model.svg
Tenon A.svg
Tenon B.svg
Hardwood lumber of choice (approx. 11 board feet, minimum)
1/4" Cutter
Block Plane
For this project, all panels and shelves are milled ¾” thick. You’ll need to create two panels 12” wide x 30” tall from which to cut the side panels from. The four upper shelves are 4” wide by 32” long (a 1” tenon will be cut so the distance between the side panels will be 30”). The bottom shelf is also 32” long (including the 1" tenons) and its width is 10”. A nice touch is to chamfer the tenons with a block plane before gluing them in place. While I’ve included the files for the tenons, I cut them in the traditional manner as I have yet to build a vertical workstation; I’m assuming they work, but they have not been tested.
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