Blum Hinge Jig - Screw-on Created by Scarfinger — I normally drill Blum Hinge cups on the Drill Press, but a recent wardrobe built-in project needed large slab doors that would be unwieldy. I made this jig out of leftover 1/4" ply and some scrap strips. Since these are screw-on hinges, I used the screw holes to attach the jig to the door while cutting.
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Blum Hinge Jig - Screw-on

By Scarfinger|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated July 1st, 2020

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I normally drill Blum Hinge cups on the Drill Press, but a recent wardrobe built-in project needed large slab doors that would be unwieldy. I made this jig out of leftover 1/4" ply and some scrap strips. Since these are screw-on hinges, I used the screw holes to attach the jig to the door while cutting.



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51 B

Sheet goods approx 12" x 16" 2 strips of wood approx 12"
Shaper Origin 1/4" cutter
Apply Shaper tape to upper half of plywood. Use on-tool CAD to cut a 35mm circle approximately centered in the lower half. Flip the board over and attach a strip of wood no thicker than the door to make a fence 5mm (1/8") above the hole. Attach another strip at the top as a support. Use a hinge to locate the screw holes and drill and countersink. To use: Place the jig on the door and attach with screws. (Version 2 will have a notch at the center for easier indexing, rather than this versions pencil line.) I noted the appropriate cut depths on the jig for ready reference, taking into account the thickness of the plywood. Alternatively, you could z-touch through the hole onto the door and use the actual hinge thickness. Notes from use: The weak links in this jig are the countersunk screw holes which will enlarge and weaken with use. I mitigated this with a couple drops of CA glue on the countersink and allowed to soak in. It has held up great for about 50 hinges. I also put clear tape over the first couple rows of Shaper tape to increase longevity.
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