A craftsman style wooden dead-blow mallet. While simple looking on the outside, this mallet features an interlocking interior and (optional) dead blow weighting.
3" x 11.5" wood for handle, .75" to 1" thick
3.25" x 5.75" wood for head, 1" to 1.5" thick (2)
1/4" diameter wooden dowels (6)
Lead shot (optional), up to 6 oz.
1/4" bit
Hand shaping tools (electric sander, chisels, etc.)
You will need one handle and 2 identical head pieces. There are no offsets designed into the .svg's so add offsets accordingly. I think I used -.005" for the dowels and the pocket in the head, and cut the handle with zero offset. The dowel holes may not show up to cut without adding a slight offset. Pocket the head for the handle exactly half as deep as your handle material is thick. Pocket the holes for the dowels slightly deeper than half their length. The opening in the handle for the lead weights is optional, but I recommend about 4 oz of lead in the handle for a mild dead blow effect. I sacrificed a few shotgun shells for this. Shaping the handle and head is up to you. You can make this mallet as utilitarian or as ornate as you like. Don't forget to test fit before glue-up to make sure all the joints are tight.
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