Long Cleat Clamp Rack

By Gary1
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Jan 19 2020

This based on the Cleat Container Systainer Shelf project provided by Shaper. It will work with up to four K-type clamps.

30 min



Files Included (3)

  • Cleat Clamp Rack Long Left Side.svg

    3 kB
  • Cleat Clamp Rack Long Middle.svg

    1 kB
  • Cleat Clamp Rack Long Right Side.svg

    3 kB


3/4" Baltic Birch Plywood

Double Sided Tape





1/4" spiral bit. A downcut for pocketing would be preferred, as well as a 1/4" compression bit for part cut out.

1/16" router bit. Not required if you want to use a chisel to cleanup the pocket in the left and right sides instead.


As stated in the description, this is based on the Cleat Systainer Shelf : https://www.shapertools.com/hub/creators/5b437481a92ce901517c0655/shares/59eecacaa92ce9014344b5cc Use the instructions shown in the link above if you want to create locking disks. Use a regular 1/4" bit or compression bit to cut out the parts first. Then use a quarter inch regular bit or downcut bit to clear the pockets. Change the pocket to an inside cut, and cut the inside. Doing it in this order with a downcut bit will prevent chipout. Cut the pockets on the left and right sides to a depth of 1/4". If you have a 1/16" bit, you can use it to cut the dogbones in the left and right side pockets, otherwise use a chisel to square up the corners at the back part of the pocket. The pockets are designed for plywood with a thickness of 0.73". Expand or reduce the pockets as needed to fit the thickness of your plywood. Note that the arms in the version I built were 3/4" too long. I've fixed the vectors in this uploaded version.

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