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Trace Frame - Printable/Cuttable/Screenable

By beau|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated October 11th, 2023

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A printable or cuttable Trace Frame that can also frame digital art for scanning directly from an iPad, laptop or computer monitor.

10 min



Files included (2)
Trace Frame Project.svg
13 kB
Trace Frame Shaper.svg
13 kB

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SHAPER PRODUCT. Shaper support should NOT be contacted for any issues or questions. This will NOT be as accurate as Frame itself due to the dots being on the same plane as the drawing and the App's compensation for that. Recommend taking the capture from as head on as the app will allow. ------------ - This has been quite popular with the kids where attention to scale really doesn't matter too much. It also helps maintain the Frame in the shop where it belongs instead of being borrowed. - This can also be made into a cuttable Frame for a light box. - Placing it on a monitor screen, iPad, etc. will allow you to scan it in the app. - The 18mm lines in the upper left can be used to determine scale since all printers are not equal. The resulting ratio calculation should be close but likely not exact due to the dots being compensated for by the app. - You can additionally cut out the corners on the black frame to reduce ink usage. Leave about 6mm at the ends around the dots. - A large 1:1 scale black frame is present along with a thinner one that also seems to work just as well. - The inner bounding box is very helpful to the kids but is an approximation. You can easily see some detail outside of it or make it completely disappear depending on the angle of your capture. - Trace Frame Shaper.svg has the dots boolean added to all change cut type at once on tool. It only includes the 1:1 frame.