Easy to make dollhouse perfectly sized for Calico Critter toys. The furniture in the finished pics is http://amzn.com/B07PT64B2R.
Approximately three quarters of a 4x8 sheet of 1/2" baltic birch (31/64" or 0.484" actual thickness), broken down into 2x4 sheets
Note: This plan is sized for 1/2" baltic birch ply that measures out as 31/64" or 0.484. Wall and back dado depth is sized to 1/3 of this size or 0.161". 1. Cut out the back either by using the shaper for all cuts or for cutting the corners and then use a track saw for the straight cuts. 2. Cut the dados 0.161" deep in the back 3. Cut out one of each of the rest of the components. Cut out a second interior wall and a second exterior wall. 4. Cut dados in the top floor, middle floor, and two exterior walls. 5. Assemble all pieces with glue in the dados. Use clamps or a pin nailer to pull everything together for the glue to dry. 6. Paint the roof and exterior. 7. Apply washi paper or other paper to walls of each room using modge-podge. Note: You can either use the left and right roofs and a butt joint at the peak or you can cut two of the longer roof section and bevel 45 degrees.
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