Fly-through Bird Feeder

By ksurgenor
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Jun 01 2020

Made a couple of cedar feeders that were a pain to refill. This open air design allows me to add a scoop of seed so easily! Birds can also land on the ledges.Next time I may add a dowel rod in the middle for a perch.

1 hr



Files Included (2)

  • Design 1-01.svg

    949 B
  • Design

    145 kB


1/2" baltic birch plywood

Any type of ground cover material for the base


Shaper Origin

1" wood screws


This design is a super simple, basically straight line cut. I added the AI file as well as the SVG so modifications can be made. Cut two of the side "pillar" pieces, two of the inside frame pieces, and 2 of the short side pieces. I took the frame pieces and pre-drilled holes on the top frame. I then cut the ground cover material to size, placed it between the two frame pieces, and screwed the two frame pieces together. I then attached the short sides and then the pillars. Finally I cut the roof with a track saw to cut the panels (those are 9"x10" to give overhang so the seed doesn't get wet). Check the roof angle but I think it's 142 degrees so each roof piece needs to be cut with a 19 degree bevel. Of course you could use the overlap method and not worry about the miter! Any questions feel free to reach out: Send over any pics if you make one or modify. Excited to see what happens!

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