Systainer Mobile Cart

By Lee
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Jan 18 2021

Who wants to spend $100 on a Festool systainer mobile cart when you can make one for yourself! I have designed this to be compatible with the current and the new Systainer3 boxes.

30 min


Storage & Organization

Files Included (2)

  • Systainer Cart Tabs.svg

    852 B
  • Systainer Cart v2.svg

    2 kB


*(x1) 18mm (3/4”) plywood - 1195mm x 387mm (47” x 15-1/4”)

*(x1) 12mm (1/2”) plywood - roughly 200mm x 100mm (8" x 4")

*(x4) Casters

*(x2) 1/4-20 Threaded Insert

*(x2) 1” Knob with 1/4-20, 1” threaded stud

*Glue, screws, washers


*Shaper Origin

*1/4" bit

*Drill (for threaded inserts)


I have uploaded a complete set of instructions and additional pics on my blog... You can make 6 carts from one sheet of 18mm (3/4") plywood!!! Bottom and top are cut from the same file. Just don't cut out the systainer opening in the bottom piece. If you have any comments or questions there is a Community post here...

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