Battery Dispenser Created by Lee — I used this project to learn and practice using Fusion 360. The dispenser holds: 10 - D 13 - C 23 - AA 19 - 9V 32 - AAA All of the files are based off of a material thickness of 11.95mm (for a very tight fit, no glue required!).
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Battery Dispenser

By Lee|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated May 22nd, 2020

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I used this project to learn and practice using Fusion 360. The dispenser holds: 10 - D 13 - C 23 - AA 19 - 9V 32 - AAA All of the files are based off of a material thickness of 11.95mm (for a very tight fit, no glue required!).



Files included (8)
24 kB
6 kB

*450mm x 900mm 1/2" sheet of plywood *7" x 12" of 6mm cast acrylic plexiglass
Shaper Origin (that's it!)
I have a complete set of instructions and things I learned during the process on my blog...