Felder Hammer sliding tablesaw mitre jig

By BrianJ
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Jan 10 2023

This is designed to fit the Felder Hammer K3 saw, of any size, and also the Felder Hammer C3 combination machines. A version could be developed for the traditional fixed table saw, probably. It helps with fast and accurate crosscuts, mitres, and unequal leg mitres.

1 hr


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (1)

  • 12inMITRE GAUGE.svg

    2 kB


1/2" or thicker material, 12" x 12"

.25" rod stock (I used stainless steel from online metals, not any sort of precision drill rod)

Optional: small 'O' rings to keep the drop rod from falling through. Blue tape also works.


Shaper Origin

1/4" cutter for the basic cuts

1/8" or 3/16" cutter for the .25 drop pin holes


Discussion, questions, and instructions for making unequal leg mitres at https://community.shapertools.com/t/sliding-table-saw-tool-for-making-more-accurate-crosscuts-and-mitres-and-unequal-mitres/7751

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