Wrench Cleat with Magnets

By Dylan
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Nov 23 2020

This is a French Cleat rack for holding a combination wrench set. It fits a metric Husky set from Home Depot, with ten sizes, from 8mm to 19mm, but could be adapted to fit your particular wrench set. The rack can be lifted off the cleat to carry the whole set to your work, and the magnets help keep the wrenches in place while you move it around. Also gives it a nice, positive click when they are returned to the rack. Solidworks design file included as well as the SVG file.

20 min



Files Included (3)

  • Wrench Cleat Small.jpg

    72 kB
  • Wrench Rack Small.SLDPRT

    151 kB
  • wrench rack small.svg

    5 kB


5" x 12" x 1/2" Plywood, such as Baltic birch, or similar.

2 x 1/4" Dowels or joint method of your choice

6mm x 3mm Neo Magnets

Wood Glue


Shaper Origin Router

1/8" Cutter

1/4" Drill Bit

6mm or 15/64" Drill Bit


Dowel Pin Transfer Pin Set

Table Saw (optional)


Cut out two of the main part and one 2" square (table saw or on-tool CAD for the square). Add dowel holes (on-tool CAD or drill + transfer pins). Test fit, glue, clamp. Drill holes for magnets (6mm or 15/64" drill bit). Add glue and press in a magnet to each hole . See pictures for details.

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