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Cleat Shelf and Coat Rack

By Zoy|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created January 27th, 2019

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Simple cleat coat rack and shelf perfect for the entry way.

30 min



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3/4" plywood or other. 3/4" wood rod or other hooks. (I used drawer pulls)
1/4" spiral bit. wood glue.
This shelf fits the standard Shaper cleat sizes. 1. Start by cutting the back piece first since this is the only piece without pockets. You can then use this for fitting the pockets to your work piece thickness. ( If your using 3/4" wooded rod start on the pockets and get your test fit right.) 2. cut out the two side pieces starting with the pockets and using the back for test fitting the depth and fit. this should be around 1/2". 3. cut out the top and test fit your pocket depths and fit. 4. Assemble and glue it together. 5. finish and mount. (This is not the final home for my safety saurus skull, it belongs in the shop holding my safety glasses and ear muffs.)