This is a simple wine rack useful in your home or as a gift. Works well on a countertop or on a shelf in a pantry or closet. The design accommodates 10 bottles up to the size of Champagne. It's easy to modify the SVG for larger or smaller quantities depending on your love of wine and available space!
10 bottle wine rack.svg
2 pieces 13 x 14.5 x .75PBaltic Birch Olywood
4 pieces 9 x .5" birch dowels
Spray Lacquer
Shaper Origin with 1/4" bit
Router with 1/8" roundover bit
Orbital Sander
Optional spindle sander for interior hole cleanup.
I cut both front and back from one piece of ply and then used my track saw to separate the pieces Make sure you have plenty of tape in front of the pieces as you cut. I started at the bottom and worked my way up to the top, progressing 1/4" depth with each pass. I recommend you use double stick tape to hold the circles in place as you do the finish cut with an offset to clean up the interiors of the holes without the cutouts interfering. The dowels are captured in 3/8" depth holes that I press-fit using offsets. You can make this from ply or solid wood. If I were making from solid wood, I'd recommend you provide more spacing between the holes to eliminate any chance of the wood splitting given the small spaces between the holes. This is not a problem with high quality plywood, however. No reason you could not make this out of 3/8 or 1/2" ply if you have that in stock. I used 3/4" since I had some scraps available.
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