Squirrel Oven Pull

By Jeremy
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Created Fri May 18 2018

This Squirrel is a decorative kitchen gadget in disguise! Use the back of his ears to pull out your oven tray, and use his neck to push it back in. The tail is a handle. Or, if you aren't a chef, they also make fun toys for kids.

30 min



Files Included (1)

  • squirrel.svg

    2 kB


1" Thick solid wood - roughly 12" long


Shaper Origin


Do your cuts in a few roughing passes based on the thickness of the material you're using. Then go back over with a finishing pass. When done, you can use a following bit on a table or handheld router to round the edges. Then sand and finish with a food-safe finish.

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