This is modeled after a toy that my grandpa had given to my mom when she was a kid. When I was helping my parents move, I accidentally stepped on it so I decided to make a replacement. This is a super simple project to cut with Origin and the result is pretty cute imo. The majority of the time I spent went into painting it.
Waddling Duck.svg
- 3/4" thick wood. About 1 X 1' is all you need. I used walnut but really any material would work.
- White, Green, Yellow, and Black paint. I used non-toxic Milk Paint from:
- ~3' wooden dowel, 1/2" diameter.
- Finish (I used mineral oil for butcher blocks but I'm sure there are more durable finishes that would be better. It's just what I had around.)
- Wood Glue
- Masking Tape - preferably Frog Tape or equiv.
- Double-Sided Tape. We use Intertape 591 which is available on Amazon.
- Neoprene Rubber Sheet (40A Durometer) McMaster P/N: 1370N33
- Origin
- Scissors
- Hammer
- Hand-router with a round-over following bit
- Sandpaper
Intro ------------------------------------------------ This project is as quick or as time consuming as you want it to be. The actual cutting only took about ~30min including setup. The time you spend sanding, painting, and finishing is all up to you. Material Setup ------------------------------------------------ If this is one of your first projects, check out our First Cut tutorial video. Sam explains it much better than I and covers everything you need to know. If you’re looking for quick tips, check out our article on Dos and Don’ts of Workspace Setups Make the cuts ------------------------------------------------ - Cut out the duck shape. I used the 1/4" upcut bit that comes with Origin. Set spindle speed according to your material/feed rate. I made 0.25” passes with an ~0.02” offset. - Cut out the wheel. Cut full depth on the outside and plunge to roughly half the depth of the material for the holes in the center. NOTE. Before cutting the holes in the center of the wheel, measure the dowel diameter beforehand and offset slightly. This makes it easier to dial in the press fit. - Cut the hole in the back of the duck for the handle. I used the Vertical Workstation to hold the duck. - Cut the slots in the wheels and body for the wings – I used a Jigsaw. - I used scissors to cut the Neoprene for the feet and wings of the duck. I didn’t use a template. - I went over all the parts with a small round over bit on a plunge router to make sure none of the edges were sharp. Using the engraving bit that comes with Origin to put a chamfer on the edges works well too. Or sandpaper. Paint ------------------------------------------------ I unfortunately didn’t take pics during the painting process – but it’s pretty basic. I painted one color at a time – starting with the light colors – and let it fully dry between coats. I used milk paint so there won't be any danger if a child - or dog - decides to eat it. :-) Assembly ------------------------------------------------ Glue the axle in one of the wheels, assemble through the hole in the duck and glue on the other wheel. Glue the neoprene rubber into the corresponding slots in the duck. I put some small finishing nails in to pin them in place too. Put on your favorite finish and enjoy.
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