"Winner" cleat hook

By shaperilio
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Created Tue Jan 08 2019

Dead simple hook for clothing / bags / kids in suspenders. I took the cleat-end of these straight out of "Cleat of the Week 7: Hammer Rack" https://www.shapertools.com/hub/creators/5b437481a92ce901517c0655/shares/5b034254fc3516000f72d706 2 hooks in the design file; nested to save some wood.

10 min



Files Included (1)

  • cleat hook.svg

    2 kB


Wood. The thinner it is, the more likely the hooks will flop around. Can easily be glued together if it becomes an issue.


Shaper Origin


The space between the hook on and the cleat can be used to jam a piece of rubber tubing (or similar) to help keep the hook in place when removing items. If you have some thicker stock around, consider making some cleat cam locks: https://www.shapertools.com/hub/creators/59bbcf2b291ebbfa71254b59/shares/5c412b382800470017e9580a

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