Corner rounding files designed for Plate. - ease in and out to ensure smooth transition - anchor point for rapid alignment - perfect for plate [ note ] metric coming soon
Origin + plate
1/4" cutter or less
[ Warning ] This file is designed for use with a 1/4" cutter or less. If you perform the cuts with an 8mm cutter you run the risk of cutting into the plate fence. Perform a test cut in matching stock first to familiarise yourself with the process. Set your Plate up indexing on your stock in the bottom right corner. This video covers preparing the grid to match: Clamp plate in place ( finger tight on the clamps, the friction mat does most the work ) Place the desired radius file to align with the bottom right corner. Disable Autopass ( we will will only be cutting the radius part of the the geometry ) Set you cut settings appropriately, ztouch etc Begin cutting the roughing passes at the bottom just to the left of the "stop" guide line, this includes a small ease in beginning with the cutter not engaged with material. Move Origin smoothly along the tool path, note the cutter will gradually engage the stock, so prepare for the change in resistance. Continue cutting till you pass the "Stop" callout on the right, do not round the 90 degree corner, this will damage your workpiece. Perform the remainder of your roughing passes till you reach your desired depth, then a finishing pass. Optionally name your workspace, next time you drop down plate you will be ready to round corners by just typing the name into the workspace search bar. Here is a community thread where you can discuss the process, ask questions.
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