Trivet hexagon

By Sam
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Jun 10 2021

Approx 8" *9.24" hexagonal trivet.

20 min



Files Included (2)

  • trivet_hex_A_v003.svg

    24 kB
  • trivet_hex_B_v003.svg

    24 kB


3/4" thick, greater than 8" x 9.5" stock ( no cracks )

3/4" thick MDF fixture board / tape board approx 12" x 18"



1/4" stock cutter


Use double sided tape to secure the stock below your shapertaped fixture / tapeboard. Cut all the internal details down to half the stock thickness in passes for side A. Cut the perimeter down to full depth. Mark the lower bottom of the stock before removing it fromt he double sided tape so you can keep track of orientation when flipping to cut the reverse side. now double sided tape the fixture board in place create a grid centered about 1" from the bottom of the fixture board place the side B asset using the lower center anchor at the 0,0 point of the grid. cut the perimeter out ( as an inside cut ) you will need to add approx a -0.003 offset to get a friction fit. add dog bones to all the corners using a -0.03" offset and cutting full depth plunging / retracting at each corner without moving Origin. with double sided tape in place fit the reversed hexagonal stock into place ( keep the mark you made earlier at the bottom ) Cut the internal details down to half the thickness of the stock. Confirm you can see through the stock where the details overlap, if you dont see holes, cut a little deeper. Sand, chamfer and finish to taste, if you intent to use as a trivet, be sure to use a heat tolerant finish. enjoy.

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