Stackable sandpaper pad storage Created by Sam — Stackable sandpaper pad storage, keep your pads flat, Color coded to identify grit Quickly align holes and mount on your 150mm sander based on a similar version by Mark Scheller
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Stackable sandpaper pad storage

By Sam|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated November 19th, 2020

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Stackable sandpaper pad storage, keep your pads flat, Color coded to identify grit Quickly align holes and mount on your 150mm sander based on a similar version by Mark Scheller

10 min



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1/4" ply 1/4" x .75" delrin dowels x4 Paint for each sandpaper grade sealer to prevent the paint from being drawn into the grain im guessing you have a sander...
stock 1/4" cutter pencil sharpener ( to bevel the top edge of the delrin dowels )
Cut all holes Cut perimeter Seal the top and bottom ( to prevent the preimeter paint seeping into the grain ) dry Paint around the perimeter ( color coded to represent the sandpaper grade ) once dry sand the top and bottom before installing the dowels bevel the top edge of the dowels with the pencil sharpener. insert dowels in the 1/4" holes Usage instructions. Place your 150mm sandpaper to align with the dowels velcro side up. each rack will nest on top of the one below by rotating 45 degrees. The divots on the perimeter help align the slots on the velcro mounting pad, so the holes always line up for quick mounting new a sandpaper disc.