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SWS larger Shelf with index pins

By Sam|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated June 9th, 2020

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A larger shelf with configurable delrin index pins, designed to support larger projects or to enable several smaller pieces to be mounted at once.

10 min



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3/4" MDF 1/4" diameter, 3/4" long delrin pins
Origin 1/4" stock cutter
Cut all interior details first. pins holes should be helix cut to 1/2" deep sholder on the mounting holes is designed to be cut to 1/2" deep then cut the perimeter. note: this is designed assuming double sided tape will be used to secure stock in place. also, the shelf position may move a small amount when loosened and repositioned, consistent indexing against delrin pins should only be expected if shelf is not repositioned.