Soss 208 Invisible Hinge Created by Sam — Soss 208 invisible hinge install file
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Soss 208 Invisible Hinge

By Sam|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated November 1st, 2023

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Soss 208 invisible hinge install file

10 min



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12 kB

Origin 1/4" diameter cutter 0.93" cut length engraving cutter for screw pilot holes
Be sure to test cut first in inexpencive material to confirm you get the alignment and fit you want before performing the actual hardware installation. Use the grid feature to identify the side of the door you want the hinges on, centering the custom anchor provides the recommended 5/32" offset from the edge. Cut large Pocket first. Cut smaller pocket second. Optional pilot holes centered on the guide circles. In softwood: #48 drill, ( 0.076" )