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iPhone MagSafe Charger

By Shawn|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated October 21st, 2020

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flush mount your MagSafe charger.

10 min



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.25 inch bit .125 inch bit
All depths are listed inside the file. 1) Cut the tiny inner hole all the way through, or skip if you don't want to (makes it easy to remove later) 2) Cut bigger pocket to .22 inch depth. (will have to see if this changes once I get the iPhone) 3) Cut the cord lining to .18 inch depth. (use a .125 inch bit for this, it's a bit larger than it should be bit if you don't have any bits smaller this will work pretty well it seems) Always test files out on some scrap first. I found a -.005 offset on the main puck profile was perfect fit. Community Discussion Thread: